Friday, July 26, 2013

The Definition of Love

As we near the end of our trip I find it hard to believe all that we have done in the short span of time we have been here. For many years now, we've said that our VBS trips weren't for wimps, but in my exhaustion today I am reminded of how true that really is. We are out of the Hotel by 7:30 each morning and don't return to the hotel until about 7:30 at night for dinner. Many days we don't eat lunch but rather snack on food that we purposely put into our backpacks. When we do get lunch it is often around 2pm. It is hot and humid when you are in a church with over 600 people for 4 or 5 hours. Often you encounter issues like a broken generator, and no water for the kids. Many times we have to extend VBS until the food is finished being prepared for the children, and of course, yes, many times we either barely have enough food for everyone or we run out of food. (Cooking and feeding for over 700 children over charcoal stoves is no small matter! I highly respect the ladies who selflessly make all the food. They have such beautiful hearts! Check out the photo below.)

Our second VBS has gone even smoother than the one we did earlier this week. Of course, by now we had already done the entire program once so it was much easier. The first VBS was incredible even with one morning starting off with a broken generator, no water, and not enough food. Yet in God's absolute perfect timing, it all worked. We were able to send someone out to fill a gas tank. (The gas station across the street was out of gas...go figure!) Our van driver was able to macgyver the generator to get it to start, and we received water in time to serve all the children a bag of it after games. (Yes, a bag. The most common way to buy water is in a single serving bag that you bite and drink. You can buy about 24 for $1 US money.)

Our first VBS was a little over 400 children, but our second VBS was closer to 650. It is absolutely amazing to hear that many children and their church leaders sing praises to Jesus. If you have Facebook, you'll have to check out one of my video posts. They would sing all day if we let them. For both VBSs, several children raised there hands that they had asked Jesus into their hearts at VBS. (No, we didn't get an exact count this year. Instead we had all the leaders get the contact information from all of their students so they could follow up with them and invite them to church.)

After each day of VBS we traveled to Zanfan Lakay to spend some time with our friends at the children's home. (We consider them our family and it is such a blessing to be able to play and visit.) Today our group leader from Tennessee, Eric, was able to talk to the boys about baptism. Our hopes are to baptize some of the kids at the beach tomorrow. A few other team members brought Bibles to give to the older boys, and our friend Doug, lead the boys in a small Bible study/devotion time to offer them some instruction and encouragement. The entire household continues to mourn the death of their beloved house mom, and our dear friend and sister, Kathia, who passed away in March. In just a few short weeks the boys will be moving into a new home and hopefully allow them to emotionally move on as well.

The last two days have also allowed us to do some early evening street feedings near the earthquake ruins of the old Catholic Cathedral in downtown Port au Prince. Feeding and visiting these people who truly are in a desperate situation touched all of us in a special way. We were able to pass out plates of food and bread. We were also blessed to see a disabled little girl who lives on the streets get her first wheelchair. It was no coincidence that the donated wheelchair brought by our team member, Kandis, was a perfect fit. Talk about divine appointments!

Tomorrow is a big day. Real tough. We are going to spend a long day at a beautiful Caribbean beach, with about 70 of our favorite friends from Zanfan Lakay! I can tell you feel very sorry for us. =)

Well, it is past 11pm Haiti time and I need to wash the paste of bug spray, sweat, and dirt that has accumulated from a fun day at VBS and the rousing soccer game we played in the little courtyard at Zanfan Lakay. Sweet dreams!

Cooking for 700 the Haitian way.

Karli making friends at the street feedings.

Our team, minus Carrie.

Our second VBS this week.

Tori making friends at VBS.

"Everything is possible with God!"
Posted from Monica's iPad

Location:Port Au Prince, Haiti

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